어스틴 경제/비지니스 소식

어스틴 (오스틴) 텍사스 경제/비지니스 소식 뉴스 부동산

대한민국, 텍사스주 운전면허 서로 인정 (S.Korea, Texas Sign Agreement for Mutual Recognition of Drivers Licenses) 2011/09/10

2014-02-18 01:20

한국 운전면허증으로 텍사스주에서 운전을 할수 있게 됐다. 역시, 텍사스 운전면허로 한국에서 자유로이 운전을 하게 되었다. 자세한 내용은 다음을 참고.

S.Korea, Texas Sign Agreement for Mutual Recognition of Drivers Licenses

The Foreign Ministry says the government and the U.S. state of Texas have signed a memorandum of understanding for the mutual recognition of driving licenses in each others’ territories.

The two sides on Friday agreed to mutually recognize nonprofit driving licenses held by citizens and residents of both sides.

Texas is the fifth American state with which Seoul signed the agreement, after Maryland, Virginia, Washington and Massachusetts.


A ministry official said that the agreement will bring great benefit to South Koreans staying in or visiting to Texas, adding the government will continue to make efforts to ensure that South Korean driving licenses are recognized in all foreign countries.

From: KBS World / September 9, 2011

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