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Study ranks Austin as one of the least stressful U.S. cities

2008-02-29 18:40

Study ranks Austin as one of the least stressful U.S. cities

Austin Business Journal - by G. Scott Thomas Contributing writer

Friday, February 29, 2008

We live in stressful times. Consider the evidence:

*Forty percent of Americans say they are frequently subjected to stress, and another 36 percent sometimes feel that way, according to a January survey by the Gallup Poll.

* Nearly half of U.S. adults believe the stress in their lives has escalated during the past five years, as reported in an October study by the American Psychological Association.

* Three of every 10 Americans say they experience persistent stress or have panic attacks, as documented in a November survey by the Anxiety Disorders Association of America.

These numbers reflect the dimensions of a "national pressure cooker," to use the American Psychological Association's term, and it's causing untold damage to physical and emotional well-being and relationships. Several factors contribute to the daily pressure felt by millions of Americans, ranging from finances and unemployment to traffic, crime and pollution. The intensity of this toxic mixture varies from market to market across the country, as does the level of stress.

The worst

Nowhere is the situation worse than in Detroit, which ranks as the most stressful metropolitan area in America, according to a new Bizjournals study.

Detroit is saddled with the highest unemployment rate, 7.2 percent, in any of the nation's 50 largest markets. It also has the group's worst murder rate. And it's among the 10 places with the most robberies, the slowest rates of income growth, the most heart attacks and the fewest sunny days.

Cooking Light names cities that best fit its philosophy

Cooking Light

Guess who is #17!!!!!

To celebrate our 20th year of publication, Cooking Light wanted to know what places best fit our philosophy to eat smart, be fit, and live well. Using statistics from such organizations as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Zagat Survey, we ranked major metropolitan areas on 15 criteria. The result, we think, is a ranking of U.S. cities that best provide the resources people need to live healthful lives.

"Each city reflects the full spectrum of living well in its own unique way -- innovative restaurants and markets with nutritious local foods, abundant spaces for walking and other exercise, and a population that takes advantage of both," says senior editor Phillip Rhodes, who headed up the project. "It's great to know that so many people all over the country have the tools they need to eat smart, be fit, and live well," Rhodes says.

Click on each city link below to learn why the city made our list and find details about the healthiest restaurants, freshest markets, and liveliest activities in the area.

1. Washington, Seattle

An abundance of fresh local foods, walker-friendly streets, and inclusive attitudes helps make Seattle America's best city for healthy living.

2. Portland, Oregon

Life is good in our second-ranked city, thanks to its seemingly endless supply of outdoor activities, cutting-edge restaurants, and vibrant environmental consciousness.

3. Washington, D.C.

Our capital city sets an accommodating agenda with farm-fresh dining, diverse cultures, and ample opportunity for exploration on foot.

4. Minneapolis, Minnesota

In our fourth-ranked best city, lush parks and shimmering lakes provide a natural backdrop to a rich cultural landscape.

5. San Francisco, California

Our fifth-ranked city steps up with one of the world's most unforgettable settings--along with great cuisine and an energetic spirit.

6. Boston, Massachusetts

Strolling historic parks and swanning around the water are but two of the pastimes that make summer prime time to enjoy our sixth-ranked city.

7. Denver, Colorado

The Mile-High City ranked seventh on our list for an outdoorsy Western lifestyle that makes living well accessible and irresistible.

8. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Our eighth-ranked city proves a worthy destination for food lovers, adventure seekers, and culture aficionados alike.

9. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

In America's fifth-largest city, the historic past provides a backdrop for a present that's healthful and happening.

10. Tucson, Arizona

Tucson offers a taste of the authentic Southwest in a desert setting that's ideal for a warm winter getaway.

11. Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore, it turns out, has lots of people who eat five or more servings of fruits and veggies a day--27 percent.

12. Colorado Springs, Colorado

Graced with bountiful trail systems, no wonder 91 percent of the city's population claims to be in good health.

13. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Skies, once dark with factory smoke, open above crystal-towered downtown Pittsburgh, bound on three sides by the rivers Monongahela, Allegheny, and Ohio.

14. St. Louis, Missouri

A love for local produce and healthful activities keeps this urban center well fed and on the move.

15. New York, New York

New Yorkers walk far more than most Americans, and they do it quickly. But they slow down for green markets--25 in Manhattan alone.

16. Atlanta, Georgia

Approximately 55,000 people gather on the Fourth of July at the Peachtree Road Race, the largest 10k in the world.


You can't swing a yoga mat in Austin without hitting a cool place to exercise--whether it's inside a gym or outdoors in a natural, spring-fed pool.

18. Chicago, Illinois

The city's environmentally friendly mentality is one of the reasons why it is home to the 2007 Cooking Light FitHouse.

19. Las Vegas, Nevada

In our list, the city ranks third in restaurants rated "extraordinary to perfection" and third in nominations for James Beard awards.

20. Kansas City, Missouri

A recent study revealed Kansas City has the purest water of any major city in the country.

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