어스틴 부동산 소식

어스틴 (오스틴) 텍사스 부동산 뉴스 & 소식 (주택, 집, 콘도, 타운홈, 상업용 부동산)

Kolar Advertising moving downtown

2006-08-20 01:18

Kolar Advertising moving downtown

Austin Business Journal - 2:48 PM CDT Wednesday

Kolar Advertising is moving downtown and almost doubling its office space.

The Austin-based advertising agency has signed a lease for 21,705 square feet in the Norwood Tower at 114 W. Seventh St. The company will relocate in December from its current location on Bluffstone Cove in Northwest Austin.
Kolar's significant growth led the firm to look for more space, says owner and founder Mike Kolar.

"With the continued expansion we have experienced in 2006 and what we are projecting for 2007, this move comes at the perfect time," he says. "Our creative and account teams are growing almost every week to accommodate the level of commitments required by our clients."

Kolar was represented by Chris Perry, vice president at Trammell Crow Co. Perry is also marketing the company's existing space, a 12,500-square-foot office condo in the Great Hills Village office park. Brett Arabie, vice president with Colliers Oxford Commercial, represented the building owner, Norwood Tower LP.

Founded in Austin in 1989, Kolar offers full service strategic, creative, media, and interactive services on a local, national, and global basis. The company employees 70 workers and has a client list that includes Dell Inc., 3M Corp., Subway, the Austin Convention and Visitors Bureau, Baylor University, Aquatic Whirlpools and Meritage Homes.

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